BARC SANCTUARY Busot. Animal. Rescue. Concern.Rescate de animales de Busot

BARC SANCTUARY Busot. Animal. Rescue. Concern.Rescate de animales de Busot

24  Teamers
507 € angariados

We are a registered charity in Spain CV-01-044306-A and we survive on charitable donations of cash and items to sell in our shop. Every centimo raised, is used for the welfare and rehabilation of animals in our care. Our ultimate goal is to find foster/ permanent homes for our animals. Please support us with just 1eur a month.Direct from any bank account, it's never missed. Thank you.

Projeto apoiado


Busot Animal Rescue Concern. Rescate de animales de Busot

Help to build our new Sanctuary is needed. We are currently building our new Animal Sanctuary in the mountains of Busot Spain.We ask for any help you can give, to make finishing this project more urgent. Our funds decreased( like everyone elses) during the Pandemic, we need to replace those funds to continue our work. Please help. Thank you.

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Atualizações do Grupo

Pat Earle
Pat Earle
Teaming Manager

27/08/2024 22:24 h

BARCLAND is now working well as intended.
Our project now is CATLAND ,where specially designed areas can house healthy and sick cats.

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1 Comentários


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Total angariado até agora:
507 €
Doamos até agora:
391 €
Valor angariado para o projeto
116 €
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