Aurélie Cardona

Alicante, España

Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 1 Grupos

Grupos que lidera


871 € Recaudados

17 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  12/04/2019

La casa de Lilie

We do everything we can to save abused, abandoned or street animals. But all this is expensive, veterinarians, care, treatments, hospitalizations, special diets. That’s why we need your help, so that we can continue to fight for all these helpless animals. Thank you all!

Grupos en los que participa


4.873 € Recaudados

70 Teamers

Teamer desde:  30/03/2020

Helping Kitten Paws

We are a family that takes care of approximately 60 colony cats in the Torrevieja area in Spain. Colony cats are cats that don't live in a house, but who call a certain place outside their home. We feed these cats and provide medical care. The costs per week for just food is around 40 euros, adding the medical care this is too much for us to fund. We also rescue sick or abandoned kittens and take them in our home to provide care. Once they are ready, we find suitable homes for them.