Teaming Manager desde: 28/11/2018
With Teaming you make an important contribution to making our work possible. With only 1€ per month you support us in our work and thus make an important contribution so that animal welfare can continue to be possible. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!
Teaming Manager desde: 17/03/2019
Help Italian strays is a charity nonprofit charity organisation, which takes in street and abandoned dogs from Southern Italy. We care for injured, malnourished dogs and puppies. We cover vet visits, feed the dogs and we work a lot on finding them families and foster homes instead of living in a shelter forever. At the moment we care about around 100 dogs in our projects. One big issue for us is to spay as many strays as possible.
Teaming Manager desde: 21/08/2019
The group U.N.A. Carmine Longo was created by Carmines father, who, as an act of remembrance, want to continue helping stray dogs, injured animals and find foster homes, after his pet-loving son died in a horrible motorcycle accident in 1997 while he tried to transport a dog to his forever-home.
Teaming Manager desde: 09/11/2019
AIUTIAMOLI Help them ! It all began some years ago, when Monika and Daniel went to Sicily for vacation. They saw the agony and pain of the street dogs and knew... they needed a plan, a mission. They moved to Sicily and from this day on, they care for strays, for injured, abandoned and malnutrished dogs, or for dogs who were involved in an accident. Please help them. They have 160 furry friends to care for at the moment.
Teaming Manager desde: 21/11/2019
Nanni D‘Amato lives in a small flat with about 30 cats. It got quite crowded there lately. Now he got the chance to move to a piece of land, where he and the cats will find a secure and peaceful place to life. Additionally Nanni feeds and treats 30+ strays and injured cats around the haven of Porticello, where he lives. Lets help him with a fixed monthly support of only 1€ per person.
Teaming Manager desde: 06/12/2019
Aiutiamo e sosteniamo i randagi da 30 anni, convinti che per eradicare il randagismo occorre sterilizzare ♧ anagrafare ♤ istruire le nuove generazioni al rispetto per gli animali. Credi anche TU in tutto questo??? Aderisci a questo gruppo ■♡■ perché l' unione fa il Branco.....che sarà sempre più forte.
Teaming Manager desde: 11/01/2023
Unterstützung für Souls Tierschutz Zusätzlich zu unseren Auktionen, deren Erlöse nachweisbar 1:1 an betroffene Projekte ausgezahlt werden, möchten wir mit dem Teaming Geld sammeln, um von uns ausgewählten Tierschützern im akuten Notfall zu helfen.
Teamer desde: 19/11/2018
As per Guinnes Book of World Rekords the Smeura is bearing the mournful title of being the biggest animal shelter of the world. Around 5400 dogs and 600 puppies need around 2.7 tonnes food per day. The staff members are doing an inconceivable job - organizationally, physically and emotionally. Driving around with a castration van and pushing the clearing up of the locals. Every euro is needed. There are some pictures in the project description.
Teamer desde: 06/08/2019
Our association Tierhilfe Kleiner Brunnen e.V. greets all animal lovers and animal rights activists worldwide. In the constant hope to provide sufficient help to all our animals here, we need all your help. We have many puppies raised without a mother. From the location of our shelter as well as from the Turkish state we have received neither help nor is this to be expected. Mehmet Kaya and his small crew of helpers urgently need your help in coping with daily tasks and problems.
Teamer desde: 19/10/2019
Siamo un gruppo di amiche di Donata Campanella, che in Sicilia dà ricovero a più di 160 cani, tutti recuperati sul territorio. Ha trovato un terreno sul quale costruire il suo tanto agognato rifugio. Necessita di aiuti economici per costruire il rifugio, trasferire i cani, assolvere le pratiche burocratiche, mettere luce e gas e continuare ad assistere e curare i cani. Solo per il cibo necessita ogni giorni di almeno 90kg per sfamarli tutti.
Teamer desde: 20/07/2020
The "Best Friends Foundation" Varna, is a registered, non-profit organization which has set itself the task of making life easier for street dogs and cats. To feed them, to provide them with medical care, to castrate them. Care for abandoned animals and emergencies at foster homes until they have found a home. We need your help for all of this. We and our protégés thank you for every euro you donate.
Teamer desde: 20/09/2020
Wir sind ein Projekt, das Hunde mit verschiedenen Hintergründen wieder eine Basis geben. Damit Sie wieder vertrauen zum Menschen finden. Um sie dann in Ihre eigenen Zuhause zu vermitteln.
Teamer desde: 23/11/2021
siamo un gruppo di amici ed abbiamo fondato l'ass.e Randagi in Movimento e ci occupiamo di un rifugio di randagi, circa 40 cani più brachi di randagi sul territorio. Il rifugio è totalmente autogestito e ci tassiamo per mandare avanti la "baracca" tra mille . Oltre agli ospiti del rifugio ci occupiamo di salvare cani dalla strada, adulti e tante cucciolate, li curiamo, li vacciniamo e cerchiamo adozione al nord italia. VOLETE aiutarci ad aiutare i randagini in difficoltà??? ecco come fare
Teamer desde: 11/10/2023
Bitte hilf den Herdenschutzhunden bei Secure Base ! Es ist uns eine Herzensangelegenheit für diejenigen da zu sein für die sich niemand mehr zuständig fühlt. Für die, die KEINE Lobby haben. Wir sind bemüht einen geschützten Raum zu schaffen in dem sich diese Hunde neu orientieren und entwickeln können. Wo wir sie genau da abholen wo sie nun mal sind ohne große Anforderungen oder Ansprüche an sie zu stellen.
Teamer desde: 13/10/2023
TiNO ist ein Tierschutzverein, der im nördlichen Odenwald mit viel Engagement ein Tierheim betreibt. Dort finden sowohl Hunde und Katzen, als auch Kleintiere, Nutztiere und auch Exoten ein vorübergehendes Zuhause und eine liebevolle Pflege.
Teamer desde: 05/08/2024
Ajudamos mais de milhares de causas sociais a tornar os seus projetos possíveis todos os dias. Desde que lançámos o Teaming, já angariámos mais de 54 milhões de euros para as causas, totalmente livres de comissões. Criámos este Grupo Teaming para ajudar a Fundação Teaming a continuar a ajudar os outros com esta plataforma. Entre outros apoios, graças aos Teamers deste Grupo,o Teaming é totalmente gratuito. O nosso sonho: sermos autossustentáveis graças a este Grupo.