Associazione Aiutiamoli Dogsangel

Associazione Aiutiamoli Dogsangel

44  Teamers
1.967 € recaudados

AIUTIAMOLI Help them ! It all began some years ago, when Monika and Daniel went to Sicily for vacation. They saw the agony and pain of the street dogs and knew... they needed a plan, a mission. They moved to Sicily and from this day on, they care for strays, for injured, abandoned and malnutrished dogs, or for dogs who were involved in an accident. Please help them. They have 160 furry friends to care for at the moment.

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Aiutiamoli !!!

Aiutiamoli- i cani di Monika

Vi ringraziamo molto per il sostegno del progetto 1€. Ogni euro conta. Grazie tante per il vostro aiuto.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
1.967 €
Ya hemos donado:
1.923 €
Vamos a donar:
44 €
Ver detalle de recaudaciones


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