Teaming Manager desde: 28/08/2024
Operation Great Escape or Saving the Forgotten. Is run entirely by volunteers, with dogs, cats and other animals at Andrea Johnson's home or in local foster homes, or occasionally in paid residence. Andrea is helped by her children. Every animal saved makes a difference. Our first dogs saved were from perreras (pounds) in Northern Spain, since then we have taken on injured street dogs, dogs whose owners have died, and abandoned dogs. We are based in Alhaurin el Torre, Malaga.
Teamer desde: 10/09/2024
En Teaming, más de 400.000 personas Cambiamos Vidas con 1€ al mes. Llevamos más de 10 años ayudando a todo tipo de causas sociales a conseguir ayuda económica de forma totalmente gratuita y constante. Junt@s hemos sumado más de 60 millones de euros y, mientras las causas sociales nos necesiten, seguiremos a su lado. Con este Grupo de la Fundación Teaming lo hacemos posible. ¿Te unes?