Teamer since: 20/09/2019
Estoy en proceso de crear una asociación para seguir ayudando a todos esos peluditos sin hogar que necesitan una nueva oportunidad en distintas partes de Extremadura. No tengo ingresos de ningún tipo y muchas veces no puedo hacer más por ese motivo. Quiero seguir salvando animales y encontrándoles vidas dignas donde sean felices siempre, ¿me ayudáis a conseguirlo? Un poquito de muchos es un mundo para ellos =)
Teamer since: 20/09/2019
Feline Protective Association of Cáceres. It is born from the love we feel towards cats. In full awareness that the term stray cat is a myth: all cats are domestic. The objective of this group is to raise funds and contribute to improving the lives of cats as much as possible, feed them, sterilize them, take them to the vet. Society has abandoned them, collaborate with us, your help is important.
Teamer since: 30/03/2023
"El hogar Feline" is part of the project of the Feline Protective Association of Cáceres, until now it has not been possible to carry it out, all our forces and economic resources go to get food for the colonies, castrate and give veterinary attention. But it can no longer be that rescuing an animal and saving its life depends on whether or not we have a foster home. It's time to have your own site. Can you help us achieve it?