Yaku is a Spanish association which holds educative and ecological restoration projects, both in the Andes and the Peruvian rainforest( RESERVA ECOLOGIACA CHONTACHAKA).At the same time, in Spain, Yaku runs the creation of food forest. All Yaku projects aim at facing climate change.
"Restoring Forests in Western Amazonia: With years of experience in the project area, we have planted over 5000 trees. Our approach involves addressing local issues and focusing our efforts on: (1) Establishing the most successful models of forest restoration in each project location. (2) Raising awareness among local landowners about the connection between the degradation of their forests and the decline of ecosystem services. (3) Promoting the involvement of local landowners in forest restoration through training, education, and financial incentives. (4) Establishing and maintaining an information and resource center to serve as a point of information and a storage facility for seeds and young trees within the restoration model. The project in its initial area, the Kosñipata Valley, will directly benefit the living conditions of at least 600 families from agricultural communities while simultaneously restoring biodiversity.
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La REC ya inició nuevamente sus actividades con el Ecovoluntariado y ya está recibiendo voluntarios de todas las partes del mundo.Estamos realizando mantenimento de las estructuras ,reforestación de árboles, monitoreo de animales y entre otras actividades.
The REC has already started its activities again with Ecovolunteering and is already receiving volunteers from all over the world. We are carrying out maintenance of the structures, reforestation of trees, monitoring of animals and among other activities.
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