Gemeinnütziger Verein, St.-Nr. St.-Nr. 54/210/63867 Kirmeerstr. 7 D-26409 Wittmund E-Mail: Der Verein Windhundhilfe Malaga hat sich die Aufnahme und Vermittlung von in Not geratenen Windhunden (Galgos, Podencos, Mixe), vornehmlich aus der Region Malaga (Spanien), zur Aufgabe gemacht. Infos bei Facebook auf der Seite "Verein Windhundhilfe Malaga" Ansprechpartnerin: Heidi Goll
The German Animal Rescue Association "Windhundhilfe Malaga” has set itself the task of helping Podencos and Galgos in Spain. According to the new law in Spain, hunting dogs are not protected in the same way as pets. The already terrible fate of many Podencos and Galgos has become even worse... many of them end up in perreras or they are otherwise “disposed of” by their owners (hunters). Windhundhilfe Malaga takes care of these tortured dogs and gives them a good start into a new life. As the dogs are often sick or injured and accommodation in Spain is expensive, the costs are high. The teamers' donations help to cover these costs. Many thanks to everyone who takes part!
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