Wigglestail Animal Sanctuary

Wigglestail Animal Sanctuary

8  Teamers
66 € raccolto

Our vision is to help save, care for and provide a loving, happy, healthy, fulfilling life to animals in need for the rest of their lives.

Progetto che sosteniamo

Support the sanctuary food and vet costs, as well as replacing the dog kennels.

Wigglestail Animal Sanctuary

Wigglestail provide good care for unwanted, abandoned, abused, neglected and rescued animals in all areas of their life - from food, shelter and veterinary care to socialisation and enrichment - for the rest of their lives, whilst participating in sterilisation and rehoming activities. This privately run sanctuary is now for the first time having to appeal for public support to help fund all the running costs, mainly buying food for the animals and paying the ever increasing veterinary costs. In addition we have multiple projects ongoing to replace the dog kennels, expand play areas, move the cattery, provide better stabled areas for the horses and donkeys... The list is long and during the previous pandemic years, our income was drastically reduced, with savings being used to provide animal care. We now appeal to the public to help us give these animals the best life possible.

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Maria Cabral
Maria Cabral

20/05/2024 12:44 h

You are truly extraordinary people. All the best to you and your doggies.

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Wigglestail Sanctuary
Wigglestail Sanctuary
Teaming Manager

28/12/2022 16:50 h

Our facebook page is now live and will hopefully help us to grow our Team as well. https://www.facebook.com/wigglestail

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