Teamer depuis : 08/02/2023
"Adopta no compres" stray animals find a family that wants them and loves them for the rest of their days. To do this we rescue, sterilize, vaccinate and feed them through foster homes. Without all nosotr@s they have nothing. Everyone deserves a home and a dignified life. Encourage yourself to collaborate, it is only one euro per month and it is for a very good cause.
Teamer depuis : 21/04/2024
Hola somos asociación sin ánimo de lucro, necesitamos vuestra ayuda para seguir rescatando los gatitos de las calles. Gracias a vuestra ayuda podremos pagar vacunas, castraciones, tratamientos veterinarios, pienso, arena, etc. Podéis seguirnos en nuestra página de Facebook e Instagram