Teaming Manager in 1 Groups
Teamer in 7 Groups
Contributes every month: €6 to 6 Groups
Since 12-02-2019 has contributed €228
Teaming Manager since: 04/11/2020
Association de protection des chats des rues qui a pour but de stériliser les chats errants
Teamer since: 12/02/2019
Soutenez l'association Nejma :) L'association prend prioritairement en charge les chats adultes mal en point : positifs et/ou blessés et/ou malades et/ou handicapés et/ou maltraités, sociables ou non. Pour un euro par mois, vous pouvez aider l'association dans les frais vétérinaires qui sont importants pour ce type de sauvetage (soins, médicaments, visites véto, alimentation médicalisée, etc). Merci d'avance pour les petits poilus :)
Teamer since: 04/09/2020
The Association Cheval Espoir 38 has been fighting since 2009 to hear the silent neighing of thousands of equids driven to the slaughterhouse, mistreated, or abandoned in terrible conditions. The refuge has 30 hectares of meadows where animals can recover, but without your help the association can not survive. The 13 residents of the shelter need you for daily care, fresh veto, food. 1 € / month is nothing but multiplied by 20, 50 or 200 it's huge.
Teamer since: 21/10/2020
L’Association a pour but de porter assistance aux chiens et chats qui se trouvent en situation de détresse, de maltraitance ou d’abandon. De ce fait, elle s'engage à : - les accueillir au sein de familles d'accueil qu'elle aura recrutées. - prendre en charge leur mise à jour, leurs soins et leur rééducation si nécessaire. - rechercher des adoptants et assurer un suivi régulier. -collaborer avec toute association dont elle partage les buts et la philosophie.
Teamer since: 11/11/2020
Notre asso comme toutes assos a besoin de fonds afin d'honorer les factures des sauvetages de nos protégés (maltraités, accidentés, abandonnés...) Face à la misere animale nous ne pouvons fermez le yeux, juste 1 euro par mois + 1 euro + 1euro... ensemble on peut y arriver en faisant ce geste, VOUS CONTRIBUEZ A SAUVER DES VIES MERCI POUR EUX, VOUS QUI AVEZ UN COEUR ET VOULEZ LES SAUVEZ AUSSI TOUT COMME NOUS. MERCI
Teamer since: 16/05/2022
French Association “Le charadis” shelter for 380 cats and 25 street dogs, abandoned, sick or disabled in Essaouira, Morocco. They are vaccinated and sterilized. Corinne, the founding president is French and lives in Morocco where animal poverty is extreme... No adoption, no help from Moroccan or foreign foundations, no dispensary Campaign to sterilize street cats and dogs. Feeding and caring for street animals
Teamer since: 20/09/2023
Hello everyone, I have been taking care of street cats for more than 20 years, my personal finances being tough, I decided to create my association (sterilization, feeding, care, adoption, etc.) to continue to take care of street cats who are unfortunately too often left behind and in suffering (hunger, cold, illnesses, fear and...). I absolutely need funds to help me start this adventure and make the association sustainable. Thank you ❤️
Teamer since: 16/07/2024
We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?