Usko's Nest Dog Shelter - Dalida - Bosnia

Usko's Nest Dog Shelter - Dalida - Bosnia

72  Teamers
2.658 € recaptats

Dalida is a lawyer from Sarajevo who has been involved in protection of animals for more than 15 years and she is one of the rescuers and activists with most experience in Bosnia. Dalida and her mom take care of 140 saved dogs and cats in their shelter Usko's Nest Dog. They really need help with the costs for food, vetbills, medication and supplements, deworming and defleaing, and to hire a worker to help out Dalida's mum, who is working so hard, but can't keep up on her own. Help is needed!

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Help the animals of Dalida

Stichting Save a Stray

Dalida is a lawyer living in Bosnia, and she is protecting animals for more than 15 years. With her own shelter, Uskos Nest Dog Shelter, she is running together with her mom, she takes care of around 140 dogs and a couple of cats. Every week is a struggle to buy food, medicines, pay the vetbills, and all other costs that comes around for taking care of this many animals. Donations will be collected by Stichting Save a Stray, and they will transfer the money to Dalida.

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Bianca Slot
Bianca Slot
Teaming Manager

15/07/2021 21:20 h

First 141 euro that was collected since start of the teaminggroup with only 4 people, was transfered to Stichting Save a Stray, and is used to cover a part of the weekly food bill. Every week Dalida needs 500 euro for food, 150 euro for vetcare (at least, to cover basic care), and lots of extra costs come up during the month. Just to make a quick calculation.. with only basic care like food and the regular weekly vetcare (without emergencies or unexpected treatments) will cost Dalida about 100 euro A DAY! With help of a worker, count 25 euro extra. To make this happen, we need support.. lots of support. Do you want to help out with an extra donation, please contact Stichting Save a Stray for bank details.

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Hem recaptat fins avui:
2.658 €
Ja hem donat:
2.586 €
Anem a donar:
72 €
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Data de publicació

Defensa d'animals


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