HELFEN SIE UNS, DER UKRAINE ZU HELFEN Unser Team aus 75 zertifizierten ukrainischen Medizinern bietet mehr als 1.000 ukrainischen Familien pro Monat KOSTENLOSE Telemedizin-Sitzungen – in der Ukraine, in ganz Europa und auf der ganzen Welt. Bitte helfen Sie uns, das Programm am Laufen zu halten und zu erweitern und vielen weiteren Ukrainern zu helfen, die in diesen schwierigen Zeiten medizinischen Rat, Trost und Pflege benötigen.
Since the start of the conflict last year our team of 75 Ukrainian doctors have provided more than 7,000 Ukrainian families in Ukraine (including the occupied territory), across Europe more than 11,000 FREE telehealth sessions. Please visit www.gpnow.net to learn more - the case studies are deeply moving or view the short video attached for more background We would be grateful if you would kindly consider inviting your circle of friends and colleagues to support the program
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Hilfe für Kranke
Internationale Kooperation
13/07/2023 07:26 h
Since the start of the conflict last year our team of 75 Ukrainian doctors have safely and securely provided more than 8,000 Ukrainian families in Ukraine (including the occupied territory), across Europe more than 11,000 FREE telehealth sessions.
Please visit www.gpnow.net to learn more - the case studies are deeply moving or view the short video attached for more background.
We would be grateful if you would kindly consider inviting your circle of friends and colleagues to support the our Teaming program.
We pay our team of Ukrainian doctors - most of whom are refugees themselves €10 per consultation. Your contribution will go directly to support the team and keep the program going and growing.
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