Tina Wuest

Tina Wuest


Teamer de 3 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 3 € à 3 Groupes

Depuis le 03-09-2016 il/elle a donné 182 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


7 436 € récoltés

82 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  03/09/2016


En Melampo acogemos, cuidamos y recuperamos, Perros abandonados y maltratados. Desde hace mas 16 años nuestros voluntarios se esfuerzan en rehabilitar y dar el cariño necesario hasta encontrarles un nuevo hogar. Ofrecièndoles la oportunidad de conocer la felicidad. Muchos finales felices son nuestra satisfacciòn UNETE Y AYUDA A CAMBIAR SUS VIDAS

2 683 € récoltés

61 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  27/04/2020

The Animal Collective (TAC)

TAC's main objective it to raise awareness about animal rights & needs in schools and other youth settings through theme days, workshops and organised activities in shelters. This way we hope to decrease animal abuse and abandonment in Andalusia. We also organise fundraising events to be able to support shelters logistically and in emergency situations. Further, we provide volunteers to do repair and building work. Our motto is "Working together for the highest possible Good for ALL".

26 472 € récoltés

588 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  07/05/2023

Fundacion CANYA ( EX SOS Perrera Los Barrios)

We are volunteers for Canya Foundation, EX sos Los Barrios pound, where all dogs are treated equally, from the smallest to the largest. We have around 250 dogs that we have to feed and care for daily, and without your contributions, this would be impossible. Monthly expenses are very high, and every euro counts. Become a Teamer, and help us keep these beautiful animals healthy and happy for as long as we can while waiting for a home!