The voice of cats help us to help

The voice of cats help us to help

51  Teamers
1.777 € recaudados

We are a no profit cat protection association in Italy and we have 158 cats in Latina and we also take care of street cats in Veneto ... The need for help is great ... we have so many distressed cats here without any public support or help

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support our association our cats will thank you

The voice of cats NO PROFIT

At the current time we are taking care of 159 cats, Here we have many elderly, disabled, and very feral cats. This place has become a sort of oasis for those cats that people dont usually ask for. We make many sacrifices for them but we dont mind. We are only two and is tiring sometimes but we love them and what we care most is that they have what they need, and that is food more than anything else. We have continuous needs so we really hope we can have a little help .. your help! THANKYOU

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Christiane Panciera
Christiane Panciera
Teaming Manager

16/03/2021 09:32 h

Auch wir leiden unter den ganen Coronaeinschränkungen und müssen jetzt etwas Geld aus dem Fond abziehen, da wir die aktuellen Kosten im Moment nicht mehr aus eigenen Mitteln und aus den privaten Spenden tragen können. Bitte unterstützt uns weiter. Wir brauchen Euch! Es sind viele Katzen krank und es sind auch zwischenzeitlich einige verstorben, aber wir haben noch immer 148 Katzen tagtäglich in Latina zu versorgen!!!

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
1.777 €
Ya hemos donado:
1.526 €
Vamos a donar:
251 €
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Fecha de publicación

Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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