The Little Big Project

The Little Big Project

1  Teamers
206 € récoltés

The Little Big Project aims to support different causes (from animal and environmental protection to humanitarian aid) from one group. The causes are proposed by the members of the group, reviewed by the Teaming manager and selected after a vote. After reaching a "fundraising target", the funds are transferred to the cause selected. After that, a new round of voting is open to select a new cause. Do you have any questions? Send us an e-mail to tlbpfoundation(at)gmail(dot)com

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

The Little Big Project is currently supporting: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) About IFAW (from their website: IFAW protects animals and the places they call home. Our vision is a world where animals are respected and protected. With offices in 15 countries and projects in more than 40 countries, we rescue individual animals, safeguard populations, preserve habitat, and advocate for a better future.

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Actualisations du Groupe

Diana Littlefield
Diana Littlefield
Teaming Manager

16/09/2018 00:02 h

Hello! Let's discuss the cause we want to support! I propose IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare. What do you think?

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Diana Littlefield
Diana Littlefield
Teaming Manager

26/12/2018 11:14 h

Este es el hilo para nuevos Teamers en The Little Big Project.

¡Bienvenidos y muchas gracias por uniros a nuestro grupo! :)

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
206 €
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