The Funny Farm Cat Rescue

The Funny Farm Cat Rescue

20  Teamers
236 € recaudados

Refuge for lost and abandoned cats and kittens in the Deux Sèvres (79) region of France with the aim of rehoming into their furever home

Destinamos la recaudación a:

To care for all the cats and kittens that arrive at our door

The Funny Farm Cat Rescue

Our aim is to feed and care for all the cats and kittens that arrive at our door and to try and find them a furever home. To enable this, we will work to socialise them and ensure that they are tested, vaccinated and sterilised.

Publicado el


Julie  Beck
Julie Beck
Teaming Manager

31/12/2024 13:20 h

Happy New Year to you all and thank you for being a 'Teamer'.

In our first year, we've raised 184€ which I'm hoping we can beat next year. To that end, let's all make New Year's resolution to try and recruit at least one new member in 2025 and double this year's contributions. One thing to remember though is that they will need to have a euro bank account to make their contribution.

Good luck everyone and have a lovely evening tonight.

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2 Comentarios


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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
236 €
Ya hemos donado:
218 €
Vamos a donar:
18 €
Ver detalle de recaudaciones


Fecha de publicación

Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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