The Animal Collective Bunnies & Friends

The Animal Collective Bunnies & Friends

7  Teamers
57 € raccolto

Rodents are another type of animals that get abandoned but always forgotten about. We are the only charity in this area that fosters rabbits, hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs. Some of them have been abused as well and we try to re-socialise them and find better homes for them. Their up-keep is quite expensive due to their many needs, so we're grateful for any contribution.

Progressi del Gruppo

Christina Li
Christina Li
Teaming Manager

05/08/2024 12:51 h

Here is Lucinda the rescue ferret enjoying some outdoor fun and a run through the long grass

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Christina Li
Christina Li
Teaming Manager

19/02/2024 14:55 h

The hamsters got a chicken treat for an extra burst of protein. We just love the way they use those little hands to help them nibble

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Totale raccolto:
57 €
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