A life dedicated to animals

A life dedicated to animals

35  Teamers
2 375 € récoltés

We are activists with years of commitment for the protection, welfare and freedom of all animals. In the past we did everything we could as individuals: flyers, information stalls, anti-poaching camps, and demonstrations. However, we now feel the need to add to these experience, new ideas and projects, such as our new shelter. Managing them and financing them all will not be easy, and that is why we need your help.

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Il nostro rifugio

Terranomala Onlus

Abbiamo ideato e costruito un rifugio per animali abbandonati, malati o che nessuno vuole. Cani, gatti, conigli e tanti altri, i piü deboli tra i deboli. Ci é costato molto in termini di tempo e di denaro, ma siamo felici perché ora queste creature hanno un posto dove verranno curate e amate. Ci aiutate in questa impresa? Grazie!

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
2 375 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
2 165 €
Nous allons donner :
210 €
Voir détail des collectes


Date de publication

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Type de Groupe

Défense des animaux


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