Teamer since: 26/03/2019
Yemen is living a brutal humanitarian emergency. The girls are married off in hopes that they will be fed. The boys are recruited as soldiers. Their lives are hell: rapes, pregnancies, violence. If the school provides food, families are more likely to bring them. We give milk, bread, egg/cheese/tuna and fruit to 1747 children and their lifes have changed!!. 1 breakfast =€0.56. 1month=€12,3. TOTAL 3 school/month= €21.523. Your € FEEDS, EDUCATES AND PROTECTS.
Teamer since: 26/03/2019
We give DRINKING WATER to families in Yemen who were displaced from their homes by more than 8 years of war. Yemen is the biggest humanitarian emergency on the planet and is suffering from a cholera epidemic and shocking infant mortality. With your EURO we buy and refill WATER TANKS in IDP camps and schools. We have 50 in 4 camps and in 5 schools. More than 000 9people receive water (800 thousand litres/month). Yemen needs more water! 1€=101 litres in the north and 129 in the south. JOIN US!
Teamer since: 08/09/2020
Anivida Malena es una protectora de animales sin animo de lucro de Posadas (Córdoba) la cual lucha cada día por darles un buen hogar a aquellos animales que se encuentran en la calle, somos un pequeño grupo de voluntarias que hacemos todo lo que podemos por conseguir algo de dinero para poder comprar pienso y pagar las facturas del veterinario, no tenemos ningún tipo de ayuda solo algunas donaciones que nos hacen algunas personas. Necesitamos vuestra ayuda.