Team Turok Helps the poor dogs of Georgiana in Romania.

Team Turok Helps the poor dogs of Georgiana in Romania.

9  Teamers
130 € gesammelt

Georgiana has more than 150 dogs under her care. These dogs must all eat. Because the dogs often enter in a pitiful condition, the vet costs are terribly high. But if you live in Romania with a big animal heart, you simply can not do anything else; You do what you can. Have you ever looked into the eyes of an innocent soul who is waiting for his death in a killing station? Therefore. It would help the dogs so much, providing security for food. At least.

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Team Turok Helps helping Georgiana in Romania.

More then 150 dogs of Georgiana Neagu, Brasov, Romania

Georgiana has more than 150 dogs under her care. These dogs must all eat. Because the dogs often enter in a pitiful condition, the vet costs are terribly high. But if you live in Romania with a big animal heart, you simply can not do anything else; You do what you can. Have you ever looked into the eyes of an innocent soul who is waiting for his death in a killing station? Therefore. It would help the dogs so much, providing security for food. At least. Our project love to help her.

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Fortschritte der Gruppe

Jacqueline Teunissen
Jacqueline Teunissen

21/02/2019 21:52 h

De eerste € 12,- is binnen. Ik moet nog uitzoeken hoe ik het moet regelen om het geld bij Georgiana moet krijgen, maar dat gaat zeker lukken. Er komt ook nog € 3,- van Melanie bij. Zij maakt het geld rechtstreeks aan mij over.

Georgiana is er hartstikke blij mee. Ik weet niet of jullie het gezien hebben, maar ze is bijna door haar voer heen. Als iemand van jullie een idee heeft hoe we haar verder kunnen helpen, laat het me weten a.u.b.

Groeten en bedankt,

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