Stray cats in Puerto Rico

Stray cats in Puerto Rico

36  Teamers
583 € recaudados

There are loads of stray cats in Puerto Rico and they need our help. We feed them, sterilize them and take them to the vet if they have some health issues (which is common amongst wild cats), We also foster them, while we look for a loving forever home where they can live a happy life they deserve. The expenses are high and we cannot do it on our own and that's why we need your help. Any donation will be very welcome and the cats will appreciate it.

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Stray cats

Irena Barova

I feed, sterilize and get the stray cats to the vet if it's necessary and I created this group to support me with the expenses I have. The money will be transferred to my personal bank account and I will publish what I used it for on my fb page "Stray cats in Puerto Rico and, Gran Canaria "

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Últimos comentarios

Irena Barova
Teaming Manager

05/04/2024 11:54 h

Stray cats in Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria. This is my FB page where you can see all what I do

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0 Comentarios


Irena Barova
Teaming Manager

09/03/2021 14:32 h

That's what I do...

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
583 €
Ya hemos donado:
225 €
Vamos a donar:
358 €
Ver detalle de recaudaciones


Fecha de publicación

Defensa de los animales


Las Palmas

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