1 euro per month to promote the cure of rare and complex epilepsies through the scientific research network Indre ApoyoDravet: 14 groups and 20 projects. These diseases describe a world of uncontrolled epileptic seizures, severe cognitive and behavioural impairment, and high degrees of disability and dependence. More than 80,000 people are affected, with a mortality rate of around 25% and costs in excess of €20,000. A research effort coordinated by Dr. Aras
The proceeds from the #stopepilepsiasraras project go to fund and support the research of the scientific network Indre ApoyoDravet: 14 groups, 20 projects and more than 50 researchers working to cure rare and complex epilepsies. A research effort of the association and collaborative platform ApoyoDravet, coordinated by Dr. Aras Portilla. More than 80,000 people affected in Spain live with complex epilepsies of which approximately 50% do not know their precise aetiology. With a mortality rate of around 25% in 20 years and costs per affected person of more than 20,000 euros, their cure is a major challenge in the field of neurology and, in particular, in child neurology. Rare and complex epilepsies describe a world of uncontrolled epileptic seizures, severe cognitive and behavioural impairment, and high degrees of disability and dependency. Contribute to the cure. One euro changes worlds, our world.
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ApoyoDravet, enfermedades raras con epilepsia
Type of Group
Patient care