Teaming Manager since: 13/02/2013
The Pigeon Shelter is a no profit vegan non euthanasic foundation, we host at the moment 50+ happy disable pigeons, we feed more than 200+ city pigeons weekly, we rescue and rehabilitate sick and injured feral pigeons, your donation is used to pay vet bills, pigeons feed and save to buy our own farm. Website Website YouTube Facebook
Teaming Manager since: 19/03/2019
Stichting La Paloma is een veganistisch niet-euthanasisch stichting zonder winstoogmerk, we bieden momenteel onderdak aan 50+ gelukkige gehandicapte duiven, we voeren wekelijks meer dan 200+ stadsduiven, we redden en rehabiliteren zieke en gewonde wilde duiven, uw donatie wordt gebruikt om de dierenarts te betalen, duivenvoer en sparen om onze eigen perceel te kopen. Website Youtube
Teaming Manager since: 04/04/2019
La Paloma es una fundación vegana y no eutanasica que en 10 años ha rescatado, rehabilitado y liberado a más de 100 palomas de ciudad enfermas y heridas. En este momento tenemos más de 50+ palomas discapacitadas a nuestro cuidado. Su contribución se utilizará para alimentos y gastos veterinarios y la compra de un terreno. El refugio no recibe subsidios del gobierno. Website
Teaming Manager since: 25/06/2019
This group is to raise funds to buy a small piece of land that our Foundation needs to stablish the shelter and the rescues in a save and sustainable inviroment. One euro a month is not enough for a cup of coffee, but for our rescues it means life and daily security See more of our work at