Stefania Ghidini

Stefania Ghidini


Teamer de 7 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 6 € à 6 Groupes

Depuis le 02-02-2020 il/elle a donné 220 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


9 087 € récoltés

187 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  02/02/2020

Il Piccolo Santuario di Nama

Il Piccolo Santuario di Nama abrite plusieurs espèces d'animaux, notamment des chiens, des chats, des vaches, des moutons, des chèvres et divers oiseaux, tous sauvés des mauvais traitements, de l'abandon et des abattoirs qui se voient offrir une vie digne d'être vécue. prise de conscience d'une idée que nous aimerions partager avec le plus de monde possible! Démontrer l'existence d'un chemin différent qui ne nécessite ni violence, ni esclavage, ni exploitation contre aucune race ou espèce.

15 187 € récoltés

1 002 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  13/10/2020

Quelli di nessuno di Tony e Laura

Two similar hearts: TONY VIOLA, a Calabrian volunteer active in the rescue of lost and hopeless souls, in the very sad reality of the south of today and LAURA GRANA, a life spent collecting needy animals as well as professional video maker and web designer. We decided to get involved, in order to help anyone's angels, the invisible souls, the last ones, who remain alone on the helpless road, abandoned to their inauspicious destiny.

19 607 € récoltés

313 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  29/04/2021

Gli Sgangherati di Luciano Uno x Tutti Tutti x Loro ODV

La storia degli ANGELI SGANGHERATI nasce e continua grazie al grande cuore di LUCIANO. Accoglie,cura,fa adottare e ama x tutta la vita Cani Disabili a causa di incidenti,malattie o barbarie umane che ritrovano,con Luciano,la voglia di vivere nonostante la disabilità,giocare e vivere in branco in armonia e amore. Luciano si prodiga quotidianamente per curare,medicare e sfamare gli Angeli Sgangherati.Costruisce gratuitamente carrellini da sgambo x tutti. AIUTIAMOLO A CONTINUARE A FARLO!

121 € récoltés

2 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  22/02/2022


Group and project closing

17 366 € récoltés

945 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  28/02/2022

Il Carro Di Buoi - Farm Sanctuary

Rifugio Il Carro di Buoi is home to over 350 animals, 81 of which are cows! Food expenses are astronomical, going over 18.000 euros each month, and Teaming is an excellent way of helping build a solid base!

16 392 € récoltés

477 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  12/03/2022

Prijedor Emergency - daily food for dogs in shelter in Bosnia

We created this group to build a base of donations in order to guarantee daily food to the 500 dogs that live in our sanctuary in Prijedor, (BIH). Our dogs eat almost 6 tons of dry and canned food per day and the cost is 9000 Euros per month. With this group we want to show that difference can made by a single Euro per month. If many people join we can do much for the dogs we saved. Prijedor Emergency is a ONG helping bosnian dogs from italy. Please Share

15 764 € récoltés

1 084 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  30/05/2024


AnimaLiberAction is an anti-species association that fights for the freedom and rights of all animals of any species. Every month we organize charity events to help the structures that house animals rescued from imprisonment and human exploitation but also volunteering, street activism, demonstrations, awareness-raising actions, projects in schools, sticking of posters, etc. Help us to cover the expenses for the realization of these projects.