Speranta Dog Rescue VZW

Speranta Dog Rescue VZW

46  Teamers
928 € recaudados

Together with the Romanian animal shelter Casa Lui Patrocle, we het to save and find a good home for stray- and abandoned dogs. Your donations help to provide good food and mediaal help to our +- 300 dogs. Thank you so much !

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Free sterilization campaign cats and Dogs in Romania (Suceava)

Casa Lui Patrocle Animal Rescue

Our partner in Romania, the NGO Casa Lui Patrocle Animal Rescue, organises a free sterilisation campaign for cats and dogs in the Suceava area on 15/05/2024. Many Romanian pet owners can't afford sterilization. This results in an endless stream of kittens and puppies that are abandonned or worse... The prize of spaying is 50 Euro for a dog, 40 Euro for a cat. Let's help to spay as many animals as possible !

Publicado el


Arlette Horvath
Teaming Manager

20/05/2024 09:11 h

A donation of 507 Euro was made to Casa Lui Patrocle Animal Rescue, In order to support their sterilization campaign. Many thanks to everyone who made this possible !

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
928 €
Ya hemos donado:
507 €
Vamos a donar:
421 €
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