Special Cats Rescue

Special Cats Rescue

36  Teamers
26 € raccolto

I am a rescuer from Bulgaria. I am dedicated to rescue homeless and hopeless cases. Most of our cats are handicaps, blind, semi blind, with missing body parts, with chronical problems etc. I am one of the few rescuers who take care of so many real handicap cats who need daily human help to survive. I provide homey environment for our rescued cats . The most severe cases spend their time with as at our home as part of our family.

Progressi del Gruppo

Lilya  Stoyanova
Lilya Stoyanova
Teaming Manager

24/08/2024 11:51 h

Blind baby Margret gets better and she is already at home after a long stay at the clinic

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
26 €
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Data di pubblicazione

Tipo di gruppo

Difesa degli animali
Persone con disabilità


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