I am a rescuer from Bulgaria. I am dedicated to rescue homeless and hopeless cases. Most of our cats are handicaps, blind, semi blind, with missing body parts, with chronical problems etc. I am one of the few rescuers who take care of so many real handicap cats who need daily human help to survive. I provide homey environment for our rescued cats . The most severe cases spend their time with as at our home as part of our family.
Liliya rescues cats, the most are wounded and/or ill.
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Wir sind glücklich, Euch mitteilen zu können, dass Liliya endlich die offiziell registrierte Organisation „Special Cats Rescue - Bulgaria“ gründen konnte!!!
We‘re happy to announce that Liliya‘s organisation „Special Cats Rescue - Bulgaria“ is founded and registered!
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Special Cats Rescue - Bulgaria
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Defensa de los animales
Teaming Manager
11/02/2025 11:14 h
Hier freuen sich 2 unserer Süßen über die 1. Auszahlung Eurer Teaming-Spenden - danke, danke, danke!
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