Sofa Hounds Disabled Dogs Sanctuary

Sofa Hounds Disabled Dogs Sanctuary

9  Teamers
1.067 € recaudados

Rochelle and Ellie urgently need your support to feed & adopt the many puppies, dogs, and wonderful successful disabled rehabilitation cases they have been overwhelmed with this year. Thanks to this team of ladies there are some beautiful souls in this world that bring joy to us adopters that simply wouldn't be there without their efforts to feed, heal and love them back to life. Please donate and show your gratitude as together we can make a difference and give them a small income

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Sofa Hounds Animal Rescue

Rochelle van Buuren

Please support Rochelle and Ellie and together we can make a difference as a regular support team for them. The sanctuary needs to become financially independant to cover the food and vet bills for nearly 100 animals, as numbers they have saved this year is unprecedented and we need to help create awareness of the dogs and puppies needing adoption You won’t find better more socialised rescue dogs who also come dog, cat and horse friendly too, so unique and rare and special what they do!

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Últimos comentarios

Shona Hopkins

28/09/2018 00:18 h

Could dogs hounds and moonacre register with Amazon smile to raise more funds ?

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
1.067 €
Ya hemos donado:
366 €
Vamos a donar:
701 €
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Defensa de los animales


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