Silvia Delgado

Barcelona, Espanha

Teamer de 6 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 5 € para 5 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 29-04-2016 contribuiu 762 €

Grupos de que participa


3 695 € Arrecadados

91 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/04/2016

SFT Animal Sanctuary of Tangier (Morocco)

The abandoned animals in Tangier (Morocco) need our help!! SFT provides shelter and care for hundreds of animal, both those in the shelter and in the streets. This is our teaming group. Please, hep us with a small montly donation of 1 € , 1 USD, 1 GBP....

50 044 € Arrecadados

550 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/04/2016


Sosgolden is a non-profit association created in 2007 with the sole purpose of helping and defending those who have no voice, our animals. We are a shelter dedicated to rescuing Golden and Labrador Retrievers in particular, but we welcome any dog that needs to be rescued. We have a group of wonderful volunteers and caregivers who look for families for our "stars" and with your help we can heal them and prepare them to be sponsored or adopted.

28 774 € Arrecadados

468 Teamers

Teamer desde:  28/12/2017

Protectora BCN

Los animales abandonados son a menudo las víctimas silenciosas de nuestra sociedad, quedando desamparados a su suerte. Desde la Lliga per a la protecció d’animals i plantes de Barcelona llevamos más de 75 años trabajando por y para ellos. Pero para cuidar de nuestros animales en el refugio necesitamos de vuestras aportaciones económicas para pagar veterinarios, comida y el mantenimiento del propio refugio. El cuidado diario y la búsqueda de adoptantes responsables lo ponemos nosotros. Colabora!!

28 778 € Arrecadados

420 Teamers

Teamer desde:  27/07/2018

Brigada Animalista Animal Rescue

Brigada Animalista is a non-profit animal rescue association. We are dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and finding adoptions for abandoned, mistreated or at risk animals. We have a small shelter with which we help any animal if we can. We are financed through donations, flea markets and events. We hardly receive any governmental help but we have to bear a high monthly expense, so the support of the people is fundamental to be able to continue.

6 385 € Arrecadados

134 Teamers

Teamer desde:  07/11/2020

Julia Torres Gómez

*¿Quiénes somos?* Somos un grupo de personas que sin ánimo de lucro gestionamos colonias felinas en Chiclana De La Frontera desde hace más de 4 años. *¿Cuál es el objetivo de nuestra lucha?* Sencillo, proporcionar ayuda a esos animales que son ignorados por la mayoría de nuestra sociedad. Hemos rescatado y dado en adopción a decenas de gatos, con el fin de dar a un animal inocente una vida digna. *¿De dónde salen nuestros fondos?* A través de Facebook organizamos muchísimas campañas.

3 292 € Arrecadados

74 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/12/2020


We are an NGO that provides protection, food and veterinary care to abandoned animals. We are 100% against sacrifice. During 20 years of work we have rescued more than 6000 dogs, cats and other animals from hunger, disease, abandonment and imminent death, and we have found homes for them throughout Europe. Right now we have about 40 dogs, cats and other animals that need your help. CONTACT Phone at 605874355 -