silvia marcela ateca aguero

silvia marcela ateca aguero


Teamer de 12 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 12 € para 12 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 21-03-2018 contribuiu 905 €

Grupos de que participa


102 159 € Arrecadados

1 361 Teamers

Teamer desde:  06/07/2021

AnimaNaturalis:Por la Defensa de los Animales

AnimaNaturalis lucha desde 2003 para establecer, difundir y proteger los derechos de todos los animales. Con euro al mes nos permite seguir defendiendo la convicción de que los animales no son nuestros para ser usados como comida, probetas de laboratorio, materiales para hacer prendas, servir como entretenimiento o ser víctimas de nuestras tradiciones. Conoce nuestro trabajo en O síguenos en las redes: Instagram y Twitter: @animanaturalis / Facebook: @AnimaNaturalisES

503 152 € Arrecadados

14 394 Teamers

Teamer desde:  10/11/2021

Teamers 4 Teaming

Ajudamos mais de milhares de causas sociais a tornar os seus projetos possíveis todos os dias. Desde que lançámos o Teaming, já angariámos mais de 54 milhões de euros para as causas, totalmente livres de comissões. Criámos este Grupo Teaming para ajudar a Fundação Teaming a continuar a ajudar os outros com esta plataforma. Entre outros apoios, graças aos Teamers deste Grupo,o Teaming é totalmente gratuito. O nosso sonho: sermos autossustentáveis graças a este Grupo.

12 676 € Arrecadados

235 Teamers

Teamer desde:  12/01/2022

Fundación Trifolium - Santuario Canópolis

Trifolium, se creó para la defensa de los animales y la Naturaleza, gestiona un refugio de animales en el que habitan 100 perros, 50 gatos y 3 cerdos en una finca de 3 hectáreas en el Parque del Garraf. Los animales, viven en semilibertad, se alimentan con comida natural y tratamos sus enfermedades o dolencias, combinando las Terapias Naturales con la medicina convencional. Además llevamos a cabo campañas y proyectos de concienciación y educación de la sociedad. Quieres ayudarnos?

375 747 € Arrecadados

3 966 Teamers

Teamer desde:  10/10/2022

Fundación Santuario Vegan

Santuario Vegan was born in 2011 with the purpose that we work for every day of the year: saving and protecting farmed animals. Thanks to your support, more than 300 residents: horses, donkeys, cows, bulls, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry were saved from a certain death. Here, they receive love, care and health treatment in a natural space away from exploitation.

16 781 € Arrecadados

1 079 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/10/2023


Somos una nueva asociación de animales ubicada en San Pedro (Albacete), estamos construyendo un refugio y ayudando a todos los animales que podemos, pero necesitamos ayuda de todo el que pueda, parece que un euro no es mucho, pero entre todos podremos crear un buen refugio.

74 824 € Arrecadados

702 Teamers

Teamer desde:  03/02/2024

Animal Rescue Centre Every Horse in the World (Formerly Known as CYD)

Our animal rescue centre is one of a kind. We need your help to feed and take care of over 200 animals, including horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, tortoises, peacocks and chickens, that live in semi-freedom, as well as other animals in need of our urgent help. Smile with Us. Join our Family.

86 006 € Arrecadados

1 394 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/03/2024

MONA: Help MONA feeding me

In MONA Foundation, abused chimpanzees and macaques are recovering from their previous lives as circus artists, television actors, and even pets.MONA gives them a second chance at a life free of pain and abuse. We strive to give them the type of life they should have had in the wild, giving them back their dignity they so much deserve. Would you like to contribute to their welfare? With just 1 euro a month you can give them a healthy and balanced diet! /

10 005 € Arrecadados

300 Teamers

Teamer desde:  04/05/2024

Asociación Amar como animal

We are a ONG, which develops our work on land, where older cats and / or with chronic diseases and grandparents are. We also feed, neuter, deworm and provide veterinary care to the feral cats in our environment. We can move forward thanks to raffles, donations and your solidarity. Every euro helps us save lives and as every life is a miracle..., you are part of this miracle

3 352 € Arrecadados

124 Teamers

Teamer desde:  04/05/2024

Con un euro, nos ayudas a cubrir los gastos veterinarios

Las.asociaciones pasamos por momentos muy duros; no paramos de atender casos de abandonos, muchos de ellos gatas preñadas a las que debemos castrar o gatos que han sido abandonados estando muy enfermos y que nos dejan unas deudas veterinarias imposibles de asumir. A esto le sumamos que los gatos que viven en el terreno, son muy mayores y casi todos con problemas de salud crónicos. Este pequeño aporte es la vida para muchos gatitos; si puedes, por favor sumate

10 193 € Arrecadados

860 Teamers

Teamer desde:  28/05/2024

BOSQUE FELINO - Los guardianes del ser

More than 70 cats that have been rescued from the streets live in the Feline Forest, with many spaces to run and play, trees to climb, as well as in home beds and shelters. We have buildt and fenced facilities especially for them, but this project does not receive any funds from the goverment, only particular donations, and that is why we need your help to continue to care for them. We need volunteers also to visit us!

193 157 € Arrecadados

4 770 Teamers

Teamer desde:  26/07/2024

Fundación Benjamín Mehnert

The Benjamín Mehnert Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the situation of pet animals that suffer abuse or neglect in our country, focusing mainly on the rescue, recovery and relocation of greyhounds in family homes, providing them a new opportunity as pets. Although mainly we are dedicated to the recovery of greyhounds, currently in our refuge live more than 700 animals...

3 233 € Arrecadados

225 Teamers

Teamer desde:  27/07/2024


ABAMA is a non-profit association created in order to promote animal protection and welfare, and respect for the environment. To achieve this, we carry out various activities that range from food collection, installation of shelters, colony management through the TNR method and legal defense in case of abuse, among others.