Navarra, Spagna
Teamer in 2 Gruppi
Dona ogni mese: 1 € a 1 Gruppi
Da 26-09-2018 ha contribuito 103 €
Teamer da: 26/09/2018
The Association “Poetic Justice” is a nonprofit organization whose main objective is the judicial an extrajudicial defense of sexual abuse victims. We fight against the corruption that is beneath the system and against all injustices that we can deal with. We dream of changing the world by doing our bit. And we´ll change it! Help us, and we´ll change it!
Teamer da: 17/08/2022
Asociación contra la corrupción y en defensa de la acción pública. Su presidente es el JUEZ FERNANDO PRESENCIA represaliado, desterrado, perseguido, arruinado, DENUNCIANTE DE CORRUPCIÓN. Es el mayor EXPERTO en la lucha contra la corrupcion. El artífice de la DACIÓN EN PAGO.