Teaming Manager dal: 20/11/2021
Asociación sin ánimo de lucro formada por familias acogedoras, colaboradoras y/o adoptivas, que buscan el bienestar del menor tutelado por las administraciones.
Teamer da: 30/07/2019
Vegan activists group. We rescue non-human animals from all kinds of abuse, exploitation or situations that require it, whatever their species. We welcome, care, heal, and look for happy and responsible homes. We face all the expenses with our own means, since we do not obtain any subsidy from any institution. If you want to collaborate and help us continue saving lives, subscribe to our teaming account. By and for them.
Teamer da: 30/07/2019
We work together towards a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued. El Refugio del Burrito is actively involved in causes that encourage the application and improvement of existing laws regarding animal welfare and the promotion of education and awareness campaigns about responsible equine ownership and expert care.
Teamer da: 30/07/2019
VERA is created to provide veterinary care to rescued animals, in sanctuaries, in shelters or in private homes. We believe that altruistic veterinary labor is necessary to be able to rescue as many animals as possible, without the cost of this service being a limitation. We also have a small sanctuary where different species of rescued animals live, that also serves as a temporary home for animals that will later travel to their final home.
Teamer da: 30/07/2019
✨ We rescue animals from abuse and exploitation | ✉️ | Esparraguera, 08292, Barcelona | Find us as @santuariobuenavida on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and more!
Teamer da: 01/08/2019
Tenemos nuestro Santuario ubicado en el término municipal de La Puebla del Río,Sevilla . Luchamos por una vida digna para animales que sufrieron la explotación,la cría,el maltrato y/o el abandono.Todos nuestros animales conviven JUNTOS y en LIBERTAD en toda la extensión de nuestro santuario (perros,gatos,ovejas,caballos,..) ¡Necesitamos vuestra ayuda para seguir rescatándolos! ¡Ayúdanos a ayudarlos! @santuario_lacandela
Teamer da: 27/11/2019
Santuario interespecie donde creamos día a día un hogar para animales victimas del especismo. Un Hogar donde todas las vidas son respetadas y amadas. Un espacio donde fomentamos la educación y la empatía hacia los animales y el veganismo. Todo lo recaudado irá destinado a nuevas construcciones de espacios seguros para que mas vidas puedan ser rescatadas y para urgencias veterinarias. Por sólo 1€ al mes podemos cambiar el destino de muchísimas vidas.