Willkommen bei SCAN. In Spanien der Costa Blanca retten, pflegen und vermitteln wir ausgesetzte und misshandelte Katzen und Hunde. Bei uns engagieren sich ausschließlich Freiwillige und wir finanzieren uns einzig und allein durch Spenden. Jedes Tier erhält bei uns Schutz, Nahrung, medizinische Versorgung und wird mit viel Liebe wieder sozialisiert, damit es gesund, glücklich und zur Adoption bereit ist. Über 95% unserer SCAN-Katzen und SCAN-Hunde finden erfolgreich ein Zuhause für immer.
No matter what, SCANs doors remain open every day to take in abandoned and abused animals. Sadly, this includes cute kittens and puppies obtained during the covid lockdown that are no longer wanted as older cats and dogs. SCAN will tend to their physical and emotional scars and then find forever homes with loving and responsible owners. Teaming is crucial to help us meet our monthly bills for medical care, food and vital supplies.
Veröffentlicht am
The Society for the Care of Animals in Need is an independently financed cat and dog rescue and re‑homing centre. We are funded entirely by donation. The centre, opened in 2012, has seen over 2000 adoptions, animals rescued from abuse, hunger and disease, animals now in forever homes living the remainder of their lives loved and valued.
We require donations:
To make veterinarian care available the moment our dogs or cats need it; to keep up our high standards of hygiene. We are proud that the cleanliness of our centre is often the first thing mentioned by both visitors and inspectors. To feed our residents. Newly admitted or sick dogs can need 4 meals a day. To fund our next major project, the building of special accommodation for older animals to make their remaining years comfortable and stress free.
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26/11/2024 15:40 h
Well done on your fabulous achievements… can’t believe I wasn’t always a ‘Teamer’
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