Saving Macedonian Strays

Saving Macedonian Strays

53  Teamers
769 € raccolto

We are a group of dedicated animal rescuers who are raising vital funds for Saving Macedonian Strays (UK RC 1170041) to purchase land to develop a purpose-built animal shelter with on-site veterinary facilities in North Macedonia. The team is currently caring for 100+ stray dogs and cats at a temporary shelter that is not fit for purpose or connected to any utilities. Please help us to realise our dream of creating a centre of excellence in a country where animal abuse is prolific.

Progetto che sosteniamo


Saving Macedonian Strays

SMS is a UK charity working alongside the Macedonian NGO Animals Voice. The team is currently caring for 200+ stray dogs and cats at a temporary shelter on rented land in Veles, Macedonia (FYROM). Sadly it is not fit for purpose or connected to any utilities. They witness the worst kinds of animal abuse on a daily basis and do their very best against all odds. Please help us to realise our dream of creating a centre of excellence in a country where animal abuse is accepted as the norm.

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Jane West
Jane West

05/08/2024 10:48 h

Hi everyone

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
769 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
685 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
84 €
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