This group was initially created in support of Leo, a "special" needs cat from misstreatment. Leo died unexpectedly in July 2019. But another very special case came. Alex, 2 month old kitten, another victim of human vileness. Run over conscientiously, rigid and hypothermic, lying on the road, dying. Blind and deaf from the impact. Dispite this, he has a tremendous will to live. We don’t know what consequences will remain, but while he’s fighting we fight together. Please help us, HELP ALEX.
Tu contribución será para atención veterinaria, hospitalización y pruebas diagnósticas, qué ni las chicas que lo rescataron, ni su casa de acogida (que ya cubre manutención y material para una cuarentena rigurosa), pueden asumir. GRACIAS. | Your contribution will go into veterinary care, hospitalization and diagnostic tests, which neither the girls who rescued him, nor his foster home (which already covers subsistance and material for a rigorous quarantine), can assume. THANK YOU.
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ALEX Roombito acaba de superar una panleucopenia (lo que ha supuesto un nuevo ingreso hospitalario y más análisis posteriores, porque el hemograma había empeorado y 6 semanas más de cuarentena). Tenéis toda la información, con los gastos actualizados en el nuevo documento que acabamos de subir.
En el nombre de Alex, un gran GRACIAS a tod@s por estar allí, y Felices Fiestas.
ALEX Roombito has just overcome a panleukopenia (which meant a new hospital admission and further analysis, because the blood count had worsened, and 6 more weeks of quarantine). You have all the information, with the expenses updated in the new document that we just uploaded.
In the name of Alex a big THANKS to everyone for being there, and Happy Holidays.
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Aiuto ai pazienti
Difesa degli animali
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