Save 1 million lives

Save 1 million lives

4  Teamers
625 € recaptats

Training of health professionals has been key for Spain to be a world leader in organ donations. DTI Foundation want to train professionals from other countries to give to the locals more opportunities to survive. We have created a cooperation project for undevelopment countries where there is a high incidence of kidney diseases, to increase the organ donations in this area and save the lives of people who suffer them. We need to fund the grants for the professionals who will attend the program

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Training to save lives

DTI Foundation

Less than 10% of the transplants needed in the world are made. The main problem: health professionals have no training in organ donations and transplants. Thats why we have created this program for undevelopment countries: to give them more opportunities to survive. The project has 3 phases of training, both in Barcelona and the local country, from less to more deep. Every 650 Teamers, we can pay for a grant for one doctor or nurse.

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Clara Torres
Clara Torres

27/07/2018 13:10 h

El conocimiento salva vidas. Por eso queremos formar profesionales sanitarios en todo el mundo. ¿Nos ayudas a lograrlo? Si nos unimos podemos lograr cualquier cosa.

Aquí tenéis un ejemplo del trabajo logrado en Trinidad y Tobago gracias a la formación en coordinación de trasplantes.

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Hem recaptat fins avui:
625 €
Ja hem donat:
540 €
Anem a donar:
85 €
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Data de publicació

Ajuda a malalts



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