Vegan Point

Vegan Point

15  Teamers
386 € raccolto

√egan Point is a non-profit association dedicated to spreading veganism and helping animals in need. Currently there are 13 hens and 3 roosters permanent residents, and we receive special cases in foster care. Hens suffer a lot from laying, and they need hormonal suppressors so they don´t die from it. Each small contribution received through Teaming will be destined for the birds that live in the microsanctuary. Would you like to help us give them a better life?

Progetto che sosteniamo

Next implants


With the proceeds from Teaming and other donations, we will be able to pay for the next implants. Each box (with 2 implants) costs 120 euros and must be renewed periodically. Thank you so much for every contribution, you make ALL the difference! To see more about Vegan Point's birds, follow us on FB as Vegan Point.

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Progressi del Gruppo

Vegan Point
Vegan Point
Teaming Manager

02/10/2024 09:17 h

¡C ̃ !
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Vegan Point
Vegan Point
Teaming Manager

23/11/2022 10:51 h

‍♀️La membrana nictitante, o "tercer párpado", es una característica fisiológica exclusiva de algunos animales.

Se trata de una telilla o párpado accesorio transparente o translúcido que puede cerrarse para proteger al globo ocular y para humectar por debajo de los párpados principales, mientras se mantiene visibilidad

Bonito martes puntos vegan

‍♀️ Sol

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Vegan Point
Vegan Point
Teaming Manager

26/10/2021 09:30 h

Los implantes y la semi libertad, ya le sumaron 2 años de vida a Mec

A pesar de tener varios problemas de salud por culpa de la puesta continua cuando era explotada, hoy es una gallina amada; y quiero creer, feliz (dentro de lo posible)

Gracias por ser parte de un mundo mejor y por ayudar a Vegan Point a seguir mejorando

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
386 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
209 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
177 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Tipo di gruppo

Difesa degli animali


Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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