Sanctuarul Nima

Sanctuarul Nima

120  Teamers
6.960 € recaudados

Founded in October 2018, Nima Sanctuary is Romania’s first farm animals’ sanctuary, currently hosting 27 truly happy cows, 15 pigs, 4 horses, 2 donkeys, 10 sheep, 5 goats, 23 chickens, geese and ducks, plus few dozens of rescue dogs and cats, living in a 10ha haven (divided in 4 locations) at the bottom of the Fagaras Mountains Southern slopes, on Valsan Valley.

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Happiness and well-being for the rescue cows and horses

Sanctuarul Nima

By supporting the sanctuary with 1€ monthly, you are helping us provide our residents, in each moment of every day, with all the ingredients for their happiness and well-being: - best care and cleaning - permanent veterinary assistance - quality food and supplements - mutual respect and trust relationships - spacious living and grazing space - freedom - safety.

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Nima Sanctuary
Nima Sanctuary
Teaming Manager

02/10/2022 10:16 h

Is Nima Sanctuary’s 4th year anniversary!

On October 15th 2018, after months long preparations, 6 rescue cows, the sanctuary’s first residents, have arrived HOME!
And in these past 4 years, celebrated this month, the sanctuary has become a forever home or at least a place of temporary solace for 50 more souls in the shape of cows, horses, pigs, lambs, chickens, few dogs and donkey Geta.
There have been 4 fairy-tale years, with extraordinary life stories, with many ups and also few downs, lived with absolute love, devotion and responsibility for the happiness and well-being of all sanctuary souls, saved without exception from brutal exploitation or a premature and violent death on the altar of human greed and cruelty.
But something makes this 4th sanctuary anniversary very special, particularly in these difficult and uncertain times! That is: the possibility to considerably reduce the food costs (thousands of hay bales each month), starting on the next summer!
A special friend of the sanctuary is currently buying many acres of pasture for the cows, so many that starting next year, they will be able to graze on fresh grass all summer and even save a large portion of land to produce our own hay!
We can already picture ourselves at work, mowing, drying, making and stocking up the barns with hay bale after hay bale, for a care free next winter! Unlike this coming winter, which seems to be hardest ever in the sanctuary…
And because we’re talking about at least twice the size of the current sanctuary area, such work implies a specialized, mechanical help and the first piece of equipment we need is a powerful (minimum 65 HP) and reliable tractor to operate a mower and a baler.
A new tractor is excluded, due to the high price, but we found a second-hand one, with warrantee and post-sale service, offered by a dealer with many happy clients in our area!
If 10% of our friends who like our page, could offer 7€ each, on this occasion of the sanctuary’s 4th anniversary, the price of the tractor would be covered! What a wonderful, significant and lives and resources saving present would that be!
So please, don’t deny us a small help for a better and more feasible future for the sanctuary and all of its rescued souls!

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
6.960 €
Ya hemos donado:
6.853 €
Vamos a donar:
107 €
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Defensa de los animales


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