Rusmira’s Rescue

Rusmira’s Rescue

50  Teamers
2 876 € récoltés

Rusmira is an animal rescuer in Bosnia, where cats and dogs are frequently cruelly treated and abandoned. She rescues abandoned puppies and kittens from the streets and keeps them safe in pension until they can be adopted across Europe. Rusmira currently looks after over 100 dogs and 120 cats. It costs her over 700 Euros a month just for food and kitty litter. Please help. Your euro will save a life. Thank you.

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Rusmira’s Rescue

Animals in Bosnia

Rusmira rescues cats and dogs from the streets in Bosnia and keeps them safe until homes can be found for them across Europe. Rusmira currently looks after over 20 dogs and nearly 60 cats. It costs her over 700 euros a month just for food and cat litter. This teaming group is set up to help her with these costs. I use my UK account as an intermediary as Bosnia is not part of the SEPA zone.

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Dernier commentaire

Carola Wilksen
Carola Wilksen

07/03/2019 12:49 h

Rusmira bin jetzt auch dabei

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
2 876 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
2 828 €
Nous allons donner :
48 €
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Date de publication

Type de Groupe

Défense des animaux


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