Barcelona, Spagna
Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi
Teamer in 2 Gruppi
Dona ogni mese: 3 € a 3 Gruppi
Da 09-10-2015 ha contribuito 228 €
Teaming Manager dal: 09/10/2015
L´associació per la defensa dels gats a S.Feliu amb la voluntat de donar una vida digna als gats de carrer vivint en colonies controlades.
Teamer da: 09/10/2015
Caldes Animal struggles to improve the well-being of abandoned animals when the number of abandonment seems to increase and society seems to not want to assume responsibility for animal defense. Every year, the unprotected dogs and cats protect themselves with wounds and problems of socialization for ill-treatment. We take care of them and put all our human heat in finding a new home for all of them. Help us to help them!
Teamer da: 20/12/2020
We are an association that has been working and fighting since the year 2015 to improve the living conditions of our local cat community, Sta. Perpètua de Mogoda, which is not currently backed up enough. We try to rescue abandoned, injured cats, to sensitize the population for responsible tenure. Our resources are few, but we know that there are many people willing to give their bit because of this. Together it's easier !!!!