Rosa Sadurní Sardà


Teaming-Manager von 2 Gruppen

Teamer in 2 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 4 € für 4 Gruppen

Seit 30-01-2012 gespendet: 489 €

Teaming-Manager in folgenden Gruppen


2.129 € Gespendet

12 Teamer

Teaming-Manager seit:   06/06/2012

Poso sostre a Barcelona_Fundació Arrels

Arrels treballa perquè ningú dormi al carrer. Des de 1987 hem acompanyat més de 16.100 persones sense llar en el seu camí cap a l’autonomia, oferint orientació i serveis útils d’allotjament, alimentació i atenció social i sanitària. Comptem amb el suport de 78 treballadors i treballadores i més de 400 persones voluntàries que col·laboren per fer possible #ningúdormintalcarrer.

29.871 € Gespendet

196 Teamer

Teaming-Manager seit:   19/06/2012

Fundacion Intheos - against cancer

This Group was created by NTT DATA employees, who have decided to collaborate with the Intheos Foundation. This entity works for finding effective therapies against cancer, based on the development of R+D+i. Intheos Foundation also works on creating awareness with the goal of providing comprehensive care to patients and their families.

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


33.734 € Gespendet

374 Teamer

Teamer seit:  30/01/2012


With over twenty years of experience, we work to make room for laughter and humor during the illness process, thus transforming hospitals into more welcoming and vibrant spaces. Thanks to your help, with humor, we can unlock fears and distress, improving the experience of illness and contributing to the emotional well-being of patients.

8.696 € Gespendet

180 Teamer

Teamer seit:  02/03/2022

NTT DATA with Ukraine

At NTT DATA, we want to show our support to our Ukrainian colleagues and all the people suffering the consequences of the war in Ukraine. More than 7 Ukrainian moved inside the country. 8 million have crossed the border. They all have become refugees, mainly women and children. Our help means food, water, blankets, tarps, cash, and legal and psychological support for them. After a year, aid is still needed for them. Join us for 1€/month!