Alicante, Espagne
Teamer de 8 Groupes
Chaque mois il/elle apporte 8 € à 8 Groupes
Depuis le 21-01-2021 il/elle a donné 115 €
Teamer depuis : 09/02/2023
Suite aux attaques incessantes et aveugles d'Israël sur Gaza pendant plusieurs mois de guerre, les familles boivent de l'eau insalubre et passent des jours sans manger. Le système de santé s'est complètement effondré face aux épidémies et aux blessures graves causées par les bombardements incessants. Malgré cela, nos équipes continuent à travailler sans relâche pour sauver des vies.
Teamer depuis : 09/02/2023
After 12 years of crisis, humanitarian needs in Syria have reached unprecedented levels. Millions of Syrians have been forcibly displaced to neighboring countries, and the more than 6 million internally displaced are struggling to overcome immense challenges exacerbated by the earthquake of 2023. UNHCR continues to support them with, among other things, stoves and fuel for generating heat, thermal insulation for tents and winter clothing. Photo © UNHCR/Claire Thomas
Teamer depuis : 09/02/2023
Nearly 12 years of war in Syria have left a country devastated, and worse, millions of lives destroyed. But now a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hits the northwest of the country and the southeast of Turkey on February 6, leaving more than 4,000 lives in both countries. From the Islamic Relief Foundation we are on the ground providing cash grants so that those most affected can meet their immediate needs.
Teamer depuis : 12/07/2023
The Galgos del Sur Association is a non-profit organization located in Córdoba. We fight against the abandonment and massive sacrifice of greyhounds and hunting dogs, to raise awareness and awareness in society about this problem and give a new life looking for good families. In this group you collaborate with the expenses we have every day: veterinarians, rent, cleaning, food, etc. Keep in mind that Galgos del Sur does not receive aid or subsidies, we only have you to go on.
Teamer depuis : 17/01/2024
Rescue, rehabilitation, care and adoption of abandoned animals in Spain. All the money will go to the voiceless who need us so much, we turn your EURO into life.
Teamer depuis : 24/04/2024
Nous secourons des animaux maltraités et abandonnés. Nous pouvons le faire grâce au soutien et aux dons de vous tous. 1€ par mois et le rêve des animaux maltraités se réalisera.
Teamer depuis : 14/07/2024
Como sabéis, Pppeludosjerez no tiene Refugio y por los casos que llevamos, los mal denominados ppp o mastines (faltos de casas de acogida) nos vemos obligados a llevar a nuestros pequeños a residencias. Este grupo teaming es para poder costear en parte este gasto muy elevado cada mes ¿Quieres ayudarnos?
Teamer depuis : 30/10/2024
Teaming creado para sufragar gastos, sobre todo veterinarios y alimentación, para perritos y gatitos rescatados y en busca de hogar. Siempre nos hemos dedicado a rescatar y refugiar animales necesitados y a buscarles una nueva familia que los quiera y cuide para siempre. No contamos con ninguna ayuda, ni donativos. Nos encontramos saturados con un gran numero de refugiados que necesitan atencion veterinaria y tratamientos y necesitamos ayuda para poder ayudarles y seguir salvando vidas.