Teaming Manager since: 05/08/2017
Join and support ACATHI in the reception and defense of LGBTIQ+ migrants and refugees. Your monthly contribution of €1 helps provide housing, food and transportation, offering a new chance at life. Let's fight together for inclusion and love without borders - join us today!
Teamer since: 05/08/2017
The '17 of May' association edits the magazine Infogai. It is the oldest #magazine on #LGTBI+ issues in #Catalonia and of the Spanish State. In these 40 years, infogai has turned into a referent of the movement #LGBTI and it counts on the voluntary colaboration of professionals, entities and people, all of which rellevant to the #LGTBI movement. Please, chip in and help us keep its edition on paper, and you will receive a copy of each new issue.
Teamer since: 14/09/2017
Des de 2008, la finalitat és protegir el benestar de les persones LGTBI i del seu entorn en situacions de vulnerabilitat i dependència, incapacitat o solitud. Ho fem supervisant i impulsant serveis de qualitat que els donin suport humà i professional per viure amb dignitat sense renunciar a la pròpia identitat. Garantim els drets del col·lectiu de persones LGTBI mitjançant un conjunt de serveis, prestacions i activitats.