Ernesta Parisi

Ernesta Parisi

167  Teamers
2 916 € récoltés

My name is Ernesta Silvana Parisi and together with other volunteers I manage a shelter of 45 dogs and 60 cats in Catania. The shelter is funded by me and a few kind-hearted donors. We have many beautiful dogs looking for a family, and we try very hard to find them a home, but there are many emergencies and sometimes we are unable to satisfy their needs. If you can't adopt, help us with one euro a month, it doesn't take much to make a difference thanks ❤️

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Rifugio Etneo degli Animali - Catania

Ernesta Parisi

Questo gruppo di donne Siciliane, si dedica a salvare cani e gatti dalla strada e trovar loro adozione. Si prendono gran cura degli animali, che vivono in ottime condizioni, seppur nei box. Le signore del rifugio Etneo dedicano la loro vita a questo progetto, spesso rimettendoci economicamente e in salute.

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Actualisations du Groupe

Ernesta Parisi
Teaming Manager

03/05/2024 15:16 h

Grazie sempre per il vostro sostegno.
I canuzzi vi salutano e ringraziano :)

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2 916 €
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