Rifugio L’albero di Mais

Rifugio L’albero di Mais

43  Teamers
474 € recaudados

The Rifugio L'albero di Mais is the kennel and cattery of Moncalieri (TO) affiliated with LIDA. We mainly deal with stray and abandoned dogs and cats, caring for them, sterilizing them and looking for a family that loves them for life. We make sure that the desire to adopt one of our guests is concrete and genuine, through pre-foster checks and we maintain contact even when the dog or cat has found its family.

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Aiuto al Rifugio LAlbero di Mais

Rifugio LAlbero di Mais

Too often, dogs and/or cats arrive at the L'Albero di Mais Shelter in disastrous health conditions, requiring lengthy therapies, if not interventions ranging from orthopedics to cardiology. Just as often, dogs arrive with "broken" souls, struggling to adapt to a world that demands more and more from them, needing the help of experienced professionals to help them overcome these difficulties. The expenses to be borne are many, and help from all of us will allow us to help more and more souls in difficulty and improve their quality of life, if not even allow them to have one still. Many drops will make a sea of ​​help for our guests. ♥

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
474 €
Ya hemos donado:
326 €
Vamos a donar:
148 €
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Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales


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