Rescates Antiespecistas

Rescates Antiespecistas

14  Teamers
38 € recaptats

Somos un grupo de personas particulares que nos dedicamos a rescatar animales en riesgo, vulnerabilidad, abandono o con enfermedades y darles los cuidados necesarios (veterinarios, medicinales, de alimentación...) de forma temporal o permanente. Como todo el mundo sabe, convivimos con otras especies animales no humanas tanto en la ciudad como en el mundo rural, que a causa de factores ambientales o humanos, son expuestas a diferentes peligros por el tipo de sociedad en la que vivimos.

Destinem la nostra recaptació a:

Rescatamos animales no humanos en riesgo, vulnerabilidad, con enfermedad o heridos/as.

Animales no humanos

We are people committed to the fight against speciesism, where apart from not contributing financially to animal abuse and exploitation, we believe that every life is important, no matter how small or different from the human race. In our daily lives we do not look the other way and if we see a non-human animal that needs our help, we will go without hesitation. The problem we find is that there is not enough support to carry out rescues, since there are few free resources, they only serve some species and others are left out, the law is still insufficient to protect them, little awareness about it, percentage of very high taxes for veterinary care (21% VAT)... And this means that we are saturated to deal with all the cases economically (due to our precarious jobs) and in terms of physical space (our houses). Together we can save many lives!

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Avenços del Grup

Sara García Cuevas
Teaming Manager

31/07/2024 06:17 h

Os presento a los últimos rescatados: Ian y Noah Dos bebés preciosos de menos de un mes sacados de la perrera!

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Hem recaptat fins avui:
38 €
Ja hem donat:
24 €
Anem a donar:
14 €
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Data de publicació

Tipus de Grup

Defensa d'animals



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