Red de Apoyo Canino

Red de Apoyo Canino

21  Teamers
2 000 € récoltés

87% of Venezuelans say they do not have money to buy enough food, according to the most recent assessment of living standards by Simon Bolivar University. However, in Venezuela the crisis is not only humanitarian… Animals in our country are also dying of hunger and scarcity. Red de Apoyo Canino is a non-profit organization based in Venezuela. Since 2007, we have worked tirelessly to end animal abuse and neglect in Venezuela.

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Help us pay the food and medicines of 270 dogs in Venezuela

Red de Apoyo Canino

Since 2007, we have worked tirelessly to end animal abuse and neglect in Venezuela. Our focus is on a strong spay and neuter program as well as on the creation – through education – of a culture where animal rights and welfare are an integral part of the community. Our NGO has over 270 animals under its care, many of them in rehabilitation programs. We also provide: low-cost and free spay and neuter campaigns and free vet care for thousands.

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Actualisations du Groupe

Nebraska Villapol
Teaming Manager

10/09/2020 18:54 h

Dear Teamers,
Thank you for being a strong a permanent support to our cause! We have been quiet for a while here following some internal restructuring, but we are now back and want to expand this network of SUPERHEROES!
We will also be hosting a virtual monthly coffee chat with you so that you can get to know us even better and so we can provide you with the most updated information on our rescues!

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
2 000 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
895 €
Nous allons donner :
1 105 €
Voir détail des collectes


Date de publication

Défense des animaux


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