Valencia, Spagna
Teamer in 6 Gruppi
Dona ogni mese: 6 € a 6 Gruppi
Da 07-01-2016 ha contribuito 563 €
Teamer da: 11/01/2016
Somos una protectora de animales que vela por el bienestar de los mismos. Actualmente tenemos a nuestro cuidado más de 600 animales que necesitan la ayuda de todos vosotros. Ayudadnos a darles calidad de vida y a encontrarles un buen hogar para ellos.Muchas gracias por tu colaboración.
Teamer da: 11/01/2016
We help and keep safe around 150 animals (dogs and cats), whom were victims of abandonment and/or abuse. We provide them with shelter, food, veterinary care and lots, lots of love; we are their temporary family and home. We are a non-profit entity and, to be able to keep running all this, we need all the help we could get, ¡every grain of sand counts!
Teamer da: 07/03/2016
Somos un grupo reducido de personas particulares ,que con esfuerzos y mucho trabajo, ayudamos a perros abandonados y/o maltratados a buscarles hogar temporal o definitivo Tenemos un refugio cerca de Los Alcázares en construcción.
Teamer da: 08/04/2016
Sosgolden is a non-profit association created in 2007 with the sole purpose of helping and defending those who have no voice, our animals. We are a shelter dedicated to rescuing Golden and Labrador Retrievers in particular, but we welcome any dog that needs to be rescued. We have a group of wonderful volunteers and caregivers who look for families for our "stars" and with your help we can heal them and prepare them to be sponsored or adopted.
Teamer da: 23/05/2016
Santuario Vegan was born in 2011 with the purpose that we work for every day of the year: saving and protecting farmed animals. Thanks to your support, more than 300 residents: horses, donkeys, cows, bulls, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry were saved from a certain death. Here, they receive love, care and health treatment in a natural space away from exploitation.
Teamer da: 02/11/2021
Tenemos nuestro Santuario ubicado en el término municipal de La Puebla del Río,Sevilla . Luchamos por una vida digna para animales que sufrieron la explotación,la cría,el maltrato y/o el abandono.Todos nuestros animales conviven JUNTOS y en LIBERTAD en toda la extensión de nuestro santuario (perros,gatos,ovejas,caballos,..) ¡Necesitamos vuestra ayuda para seguir rescatándolos! ¡Ayúdanos a ayudarlos! @santuario_lacandela