Málaga, Espanha
Teamer de 7 Grupos
Contribui mensalmente: 7 € para 7 Grupos/projetos sociais
Desde 26-06-2015 contribuiu 226 €
Teamer desde: 07/09/2017
La asociación protectora de animales Linda Pulgosa cuida de 28 perros, de los cuales 23 perros se encuentran en su refugio. Aunque el número va creciendo. Las necesidades son muchas como hacer frente al alquiler del refugio, al pienso, a las vacunas, a las hospitalizaciones y demas necesidades que van surgiendo. Este refugio sólo tiene 2 voluntarios que no pueden hacer frente a todas estas necesidades. Por ello, al crear este grupo se pretende hacer frente a las necesidades que no son cubiertas.
Teamer desde: 06/05/2023
Viendo la cantidad d abandonos y sacrificios de perros lobo,debido a la dificultad d su manejo,hemos decidido a crear el primer santuario del PLC.
Teamer desde: 17/11/2023
We are a non-profit association from Málaga whose main mission is visiting children in hospitals and in their homes when they are having a rough time.All these disguised as superheroes. There's nothing more beautiful than making a child smile and let him forget the process they're going through thanks to the magic of seeing their favourite superheroes. To keep going with our work we need your help. For very little, we can keep bringing smiles.
Teamer desde: 27/01/2024
En Nuestra casa de madera es el hogar de animales de diferentes especies, la mayoría de casos, son animales con enfermedades crónicas. Actualmente viven con nosotros 51 animales, caballos,perros,gatos,cerdos vietnamitas, cabras,gallinas, etc. Nos encantaría poder ayudar a muchos más y estamos seguros que poco a poco lo conseguiremos. Muchísimas gracias por vuestro apoyo
Teamer desde: 05/02/2024
Abril is a 7-year-old girl diagnosed with SPG52, with only 50 diagnoses in the world. SPG52 is an ultra-rare disease that causes very serious symptoms such as severe intellectual disability, epileptic seizures and very rapid muscle degradation in the lower body. Abril started walking when she was 3 years old and now at 7 she can hardly move anymore.
Teamer desde: 05/02/2024
Abril is a 7-year-old girl diagnosed with SPG52, with only 50 diagnoses in the world. SPG52 is an ultra-rare disease that causes very serious symptoms such as severe intellectual disability, epileptic seizures and very rapid muscle degradation in the lower body. Abril started walking when she was 3 years old and now at 7 she can hardly move anymore.